April 16th, Jinan, Shandong
Startec Modified Starch attending the Technical Seminar and Conference of National Gypsum and Drymix Mortar development in Jinan, Shandong, Together with distribution company of Startec, Saimall.
Eng. Cheng Lu from the Technical and application Center Suzhou gave a presentation and speech about how to design a good formulation of skim coat (Dry powder putty) with the cellulose ethers from Celotech and modified starch from Startec.
Startec is the leading producer of modified starch for construction chemical industry and is famous for it's product for interior skim coat. Prestar® is an ideal binder for enviromental friendly skim coat for interior wall and Prestar act as a binder that substitued lime, cement etc. that worked together with Celopro cellulose ethers in a system that with only calcium carbonate exist.